Things Overheard This Week, episode 16

Okay, I think we can safely say that my birthday week extravaganza is officially over. Between all the yummy cupcakes, chocolate chip pancakes, mani-pedi, gab sessions with good friends, chocolate chip cookie cake, burgers, fried chicken and waffles, beer, truffles and then an entire child-free day that the Husband planned for me today (in conjunction with both sets of grandparents), I am totally blissed out!

And full. Really, really full.

I think my major take-away this week has been the realization that my life was missing a bit of self-care. So getting spoiled a bit by those I love really filled my tank back up. I feel a little less exhausted, a little less depleted and pretty lucky. And those are all really good feelings to have.

Now, here’s the funny.

The Threenager: Mama, we’re going to pick up your birthday cake, but IT’S A SURPRISE!
The Husband: And do you think it’s still a surprise, now?
The Threenager, nodding with big, wide eyes: Uh-huh!

The Husband is taking the Threenager with him to pick up my birthday cake. They are listening to a talk radio program.

The Threenager, without any pausing: Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada. Dada.
The Husband: YES?!

We are all out on a walk through a nearby ravine on a nature trail. There are lots of runners and cyclists, and plenty of people walking dogs. A woman runs by with a Yorkie Terrier.

The Threenager, at the top of her lungs and pointing: LOOK, MAMA! A RAT! A RAT!
Me: *doubled over, trying not to laugh too obnoxiously*

Happy Memorial Day, to my American friends! And happy Sunday night, to everyone else. 😉


3 thoughts on “Things Overheard This Week, episode 16

Please. Tell me I'm not the only one.